Reduce Irrigation Costs and Water Wastage with Xeriscaping

A xeriscape in a side yard making use of stones and native plants to adhere to the warm, dry climate.

With water shortages sweeping across the nation, it’s becoming more and more difficult to provide your exotic plants with the water they need. Fortunately, there are ways you can design a luscious and vibrant landscape without the need for frequent irrigation cycles. The gardening philosophy known as xeriscaping is a great way to achieve a healthy, low-maintenance landscape. Let’s review how you can reduce irrigation costs and water wastage with xeriscaping.

What is Xeriscaping?

Xeriscaping is the process of designing a landscape that requires little to no watering. A xeriscape’s purpose is to use your region’s level of rainfall to adequately nurture your landscape. The term xeriscape comes from the Greek root “xeros,” meaning “dry,” as this process was originally created to design landscapes in droughty climates, but this process can be applied to any region. The focus of xeriscaping is to utilize drought-resistant native plants, mulch, pavers, rocks, and soil to create a unique and awe-inspiring landscape.

How Do the Principles of Xeriscaping Conserve Water?

There are several components of xeriscaping that a landscaper must consider, but the most vital principles that will reduce irrigation usage include:

  • Soil Improvement: For the New England climate, manure and compost will introduce fresh nutrients and help retain moisture without drowning plant roots.
  • Structured Irrigation: Drip irrigation or soaker hoses will maximize the amount of water that reaches your plants’ roots without evaporating.
  • Strategic Hardscape Placement: If there’s an area of your yard that’s particularly difficult for grass to grow, it may be an ideal place for a patio, fire pit, or other hardscape made from pavers.

Perhaps most important is the use of native plants, as they are conditioned to survive using only the region’s typical rainfall.

What Are the Benefits of Xeriscaping?

While water conservation and lower irrigation costs are the primary highlights, there are many other benefits to xeriscaping. Depending on your local government, you could receive a financial incentive or rebate for choosing to xeriscape. This type of landscaping also requires very little maintenance, allowing you more time to yourself. Furthermore, it cuts back on the need for fertilizer and mowing, reducing local pollution.

Reducing water wastage with xeriscaping can help your local community and environment while still giving your home great curbside appeal. While the maintenance is straightforward, creating the ideal landscape can be difficult. That’s where Dolan Landscaping can step in. With our expert landscaping design and hardscaping services, we can map out and create your ideal landscape. If you’re looking to cut down on water usage through xeriscaping, contact us today.
