Picking the Right Irrigation: Rotary Sprinkler

With all the different irrigation systems, how do you determine which is best? Each irrigation system exists to serve a particular purpose. Some methods are best for general lawn care and others for plants. Some systems are more suitable than others, depending on the type of soil on the property. While all irrigation systems aim to water lawns and gardens adequately, hydration techniques vary. To determine which system you should use, consider the needs and characteristics of your grass and outdoor areas. Today, we’ll examine the rotary sprinkler and why it’s the optimal irrigation solution for medium-to-large properties. Continue reading Picking the Right Irrigation: Rotary Sprinkler

Is Lawn Mulching Good for Your Yard?

Gloved holding grass clippings from a lawn mower.When you think of mulch, what do you picture? Wood chips? Rock? Gravel? There are many types of mulch, but there’s only one that you’ll always have right in your backyard — lawn mulch. Lawn mulch is a kind of organic mulch made up of grass clippings and leaves. You can spread this mixture of grass clippings and finely shredded leaves across your yard —the result is a healthy, lush lawn using materials that come straight from the source. Continue reading Is Lawn Mulching Good for Your Yard?

Are You Overwatering Your Lawn?

Automatic Sprinkler Watering LawnMaintaining a healthy lawn involves striking the right balance in your watering routine. While it’s crucial to keep it hydrated, overwatering your lawn can lead to a host of problems that can damage the grass and waste valuable resources. Understanding the signs of overwatering, why it’s harmful, and how to water efficiently can help you achieve a lush, green lawn without the pitfalls of excessive watering.  Continue reading Are You Overwatering Your Lawn?

Green With Envy: How to Have the Best-Looking Lawn on the Block

Lush green lawnA lush, vibrant lawn is the hallmark of a beautiful home, but achieving that envy-inducing green carpet takes more than just regular mowing. Understanding the differences between lawn maintenance and lawn care is crucial to nurturing your lawn’s overall health and beauty. In this blog, we’ll explore the essential practices of both lawn maintenance and lawn care to help you achieve the best-looking lawn on the block.  Continue reading Green With Envy: How to Have the Best-Looking Lawn on the Block

9 Things to Do Now to Prepare Your Landscape for Spring

Groundhog After Hibernation - Predicting an Early SpringThe grass is blanketed in snow. The trees are leafless. And the ponds are frozen over. But this year, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow, thereby predicting an early spring! And if this famous groundhog is right, it means now’s the perfect time for New England property owners to engage in thoughtful planning for the upcoming season. Here are nine things you can do now during these final weeks of winter to prepare your landscape for spring.  Continue reading 9 Things to Do Now to Prepare Your Landscape for Spring

Your Guide to Lawn Weed Control

Person with gloves on hand pulling a weed from their lawnThe war against weeds on the lawn is a struggle that so many home and property owners are familiar with. But with the right strategies, you can enjoy a lush, weed-free expanse of green. In this guide, we’ll explore preventive measures and practical tips for tackling lawn weed control. While DIY methods can work for minor weed issues, you’ll need to recognize when it’s time to call in the professionals for a more comprehensive solution.  Continue reading Your Guide to Lawn Weed Control

What Happens If I Skip Fall Leaf Cleanup?

House and yard covered in leavesAutumn can be a beautiful time of year in New England as the leaves turn to vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows and blanket every surface. However, what many homeowners might not realize is that neglecting fall leaf removal can pose significant threats to the health and beauty of their lawn. So, before you skip fall leaf cleanup at your home or business, let us explain the hidden dangers of doing so and why this is such a crucial seasonal task.  Continue reading What Happens If I Skip Fall Leaf Cleanup?

The Best Ways to Tackle Fall Leaf Cleanup

Person raking fallen leaves on lawn in autumn.It’s that time of year again when the leaves start to turn and fall from trees, drenching our lawns, streets, and houses in all kinds of beautiful colors. These seasonal crimson and gold hues in nature are a welcomed sight by many. But then comes the reminder that they present more yardwork. Before your autumn weekends waste away while you break your back raking for hours on end, consider other ways you can effectively tackle fall leaf cleanup on your property. Here are some timesaving, environmentally conscious, not-so-physically-demanding methods to try and how you can get help.  Continue reading The Best Ways to Tackle Fall Leaf Cleanup

4 Ways to Build a Sustainable Landscape

A sustainable landscape with native bushes and flowers and green grassIf you’re looking to lead an eco-friendlier lifestyle, your landscape is a good place to start. A sustainable landscape – one that takes advantage of native plants and erosion control – not only lowers your carbon footprint but contributes some stunning aesthetic to your property. Let’s review how you can build a sustainable landscape and contribute to the fight against climate change. Continue reading 4 Ways to Build a Sustainable Landscape