Winter Storm Preparation for Your Property

Person Snowblowing Driveway During Winter StormWe all know it’s coming: the messy slush, dangerous ice, heavy snow, whipping winds, below-freezing temperatures, and all kinds of other challenges that come with a New England winter are inevitable. Get ahead of the headaches these can cause for your residential and commercial property by adequately preparing for the season. Not sure where to get started? Keep reading for our winter storm preparation advice.  Continue reading Winter Storm Preparation for Your Property

Why You Need to Winterize Your Sprinkler System

Lawn Sprinklers Water Green GrassThose who’ve had them installed know sprinkler systems are no small investment. That’s why properly maintaining them throughout the year is key to protecting your investment and saving you money on repairs down the road. A crucial part of this routine maintenance and seasonal care is the winterization process. Let’s break down why it’s necessary to winterize your sprinkler system.  Continue reading Why You Need to Winterize Your Sprinkler System

Dealing with Irrigation Systems Damaged by Winter

Man Tightens Part Of Lawn SprinklerWhen the ground freezes, so can your irrigation system. From sprinkler heads to in-ground pipes, when irrigation components freeze, any remaining water inside can freeze too. Forgot to perform winterization on your irrigation systems? This can cost you as that water expands when freezing into ice, warping and cracking your pipes and sprinkler heads. Below we look at the two most common issues on irrigation systems after winter, and what it takes to solve them. Continue reading Dealing with Irrigation Systems Damaged by Winter

Preparing Your Landscape for Winter

Lonely yellow-gold maple leaf on a branch late fall.Autumn is quickly ending, and with it much of your landscape is going to be getting ready for the long winter. However, it’s important to help the parts of your landscape get ready for winter. Not only will this result in a landscape that will spring up faster after the thaw, but it will also result in fewer casualties to your landscape’s various plants once winter releases them. Continue reading Preparing Your Landscape for Winter

Dormant Overseeding and Winter Lawn Care

Spreader used for grass seed, overseeding.Winter isn’t a time for your lawn to shine. Even after you’ve raked up all the leaves (or mowed them into your lawn), soon all your hard work will be undone. New England winters are famous for their snow, and for that snow starting in November and usually coating the lawn through at least the new year. So over the winter time, there isn’t much you can do, right? In this post, we talk about things you can do in the late fall and early winter to help your lawn “spring back” in spring. Continue reading Dormant Overseeding and Winter Lawn Care