The 3 Most Common Landscape Problems After Winter

A spring lawn affected by gray snow mold, one of the common landscape problems after winterFollowing a season with dry air, frigid temperatures, and heavy snowfall, it’s no surprise these conditions can have a lasting toll on your landscape. After winter, we can’t wait to get out in the yard and soak up the warmer weather, but oftentimes, your lawn and garden need to recover from the snow and ice. Fortunately, many of these issues are easy to fix. Let’s discuss a few of the most common landscape problems after winter and how you can spur on the recovery process. Continue reading The 3 Most Common Landscape Problems After Winter

Applying Ornamental Grass to Your Landscape

Purple, feathery ornamental grass, indicating the benefits of applying ornamental grass to your landscape.When most think of adding flavor to their landscape, the first thing they turn to is flowers. However, ornamental grass is an easy way to add color and texture to your garden. There are a variety of types, and they’re perfect for the chaotic weather patterns in New England. In this blog, we’ll discuss more of the benefits of applying ornamental grass to your landscape and steps to maintaining it. Continue reading Applying Ornamental Grass to Your Landscape

A New England Guide to Spring Lawn Care and Landscaping

Adirondack chairs in front yard of house with brilliant spring lawn care and landscapingThe cold temperatures of New England winter have finally ceased battering your turf. Spring has arrived, and with it comes warm weather and heavy rainfall. Taking advantage of the weather now will set your landscape up for success during those long dog days of summer. Follow our New England guide to spring lawn care and landscaping to ensure your property is prepared for the season ahead. Continue reading A New England Guide to Spring Lawn Care and Landscaping

Preparing Your Landscape for Winter

Lonely yellow-gold maple leaf on a branch late fall.Autumn is quickly ending, and with it much of your landscape is going to be getting ready for the long winter. However, it’s important to help the parts of your landscape get ready for winter. Not only will this result in a landscape that will spring up faster after the thaw, but it will also result in fewer casualties to your landscape’s various plants once winter releases them. Continue reading Preparing Your Landscape for Winter

Retaining Walls to Prevent Soil Erosion and Flooding

Beautiful autumn landscape with green lawns, retaining walls, and flower beds.Retaining walls can add depth and great vistas to any home or business with beautiful stonework, opening up new possibilities for landscaping. But at their core and their namesake, retaining walls are specially-built walls meant to hold the soil behind them from moving. And when it comes to dealing with landscaping issues such as erosion and flooding, retaining walls can provide a great tool to provide proper drainage without compromising your home or business. Learn about how to use retaining walls to prevent soil erosion and flooding. Continue reading Retaining Walls to Prevent Soil Erosion and Flooding