Annuals or Perennials: What to Plant

Blue and purple hydrangeas in full bloom.Spring is just around the corner; before we know it, all the snow will be melted, and it’ll be time to start tending to the gardens. Take a look around your yard: what are you growing this year? When you head to the nursery, your plant purchasing options come down to two primary categories: annuals or perennials. Today, we’re going to share the things you need to know about each prior to planting.

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After the Installation: Caring for Your New Pond or Fountain

A country house with a beautiful backyard behind the house, landscape designNothing beats the experience of having calm running water flowing from your new pond or fountain. Not only do ponds and fountains bring strong aesthetics to your property, but they also improve the overall health of your environment. Unfortunately, a lack of proper maintenance of a fountain or pond can bring negative effects to its appearance, function, and ecosystem. Today we will take a look at what you can do to keep your pond or fountain looking beautiful. Continue reading After the Installation: Caring for Your New Pond or Fountain