Water features like fountains or small ponds add visual appeal to your property and can provide a sliver of calmness and serenity to your yard. But as with everything else in landscaping and hardscaping, these require regular upkeep to stay functioning properly. Today, we’ll cover how to maintain an outdoor water feature and why it’s important to do so. Continue reading How to Maintain an Outdoor Water Feature
Tag: Fountain
Transform Your Backyard with Hardscaping
After a few years of COVID-19 keeping us all from doing many of the things we love, this year is bound to be full of good times and making new memories now that the pandemic has seemingly stabilized. With summer right around the corner, us New Englanders are just itching to get back to barbeques, pool parties, and roasting marshmallows. Are you ready to be the life of party, hosting friends and family at your house? Today, we’re sharing four ways to transform your backyard with hardscaping that will make your house the envy of all your neighbors!
After the Installation: Caring for Your New Pond or Fountain

The Different Designs for Patio Construction