Transform Your Backyard with Hardscaping

Patio with outdoor seating, fire pit, and grills to host and entertain in your backyard.After a few years of COVID-19 keeping us all from doing many of the things we love, this year is bound to be full of good times and making new memories now that the pandemic has seemingly stabilized. With summer right around the corner, us New Englanders are just itching to get back to barbeques, pool parties, and roasting marshmallows. Are you ready to be the life of party, hosting friends and family at your house? Today, we’re sharing four ways to transform your backyard with hardscaping that will make your house the envy of all your neighbors!

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Planning Your Landscaping for Your Shady Property

A shady garden with a miniature pond water feature, flat stones, and large-leafed plantsNew England is home to some of the country’s most densely forested states, leaving many properties cast in large amounts of shade. Since most plants require sunlight of some degree to survive, this predicament leaves many property owners wondering how to go about their landscaping. Given the dreariness of a sunless yard, plants that can weather these environmental conditions are important to adding color to the landscape. Fortunately, Dolan Landscaping has tips for planning landscaping for your shady property. Continue reading Planning Your Landscaping for Your Shady Property

After the Installation: Caring for Your New Pond or Fountain

A country house with a beautiful backyard behind the house, landscape designNothing beats the experience of having calm running water flowing from your new pond or fountain. Not only do ponds and fountains bring strong aesthetics to your property, but they also improve the overall health of your environment. Unfortunately, a lack of proper maintenance of a fountain or pond can bring negative effects to its appearance, function, and ecosystem. Today we will take a look at what you can do to keep your pond or fountain looking beautiful. Continue reading After the Installation: Caring for Your New Pond or Fountain