Annuals or Perennials: What to Plant

Blue and purple hydrangeas in full bloom.Spring is just around the corner; before we know it, all the snow will be melted, and it’ll be time to start tending to the gardens. Take a look around your yard: what are you growing this year? When you head to the nursery, your plant purchasing options come down to two primary categories: annuals or perennials. Today, we’re going to share the things you need to know about each prior to planting.

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Planning Your Landscaping for Your Shady Property

A shady garden with a miniature pond water feature, flat stones, and large-leafed plantsNew England is home to some of the country’s most densely forested states, leaving many properties cast in large amounts of shade. Since most plants require sunlight of some degree to survive, this predicament leaves many property owners wondering how to go about their landscaping. Given the dreariness of a sunless yard, plants that can weather these environmental conditions are important to adding color to the landscape. Fortunately, Dolan Landscaping has tips for planning landscaping for your shady property. Continue reading Planning Your Landscaping for Your Shady Property

4 Money-Saving Lawn and Gardening Tips

Financially conscious folks are often looking for ways to cut costs on utilities and meals. However, they often only focus their tension on the happenings within the house. Little do they realize that there are ways to save money by adjusting their lawn care and gardening habits. There’s a lot of investment that goes into maintaining a healthy landscape, such as water, seed, and fertilizer. Fortunately, Dolan Landscaping is here to provide some of money-saving lawn and gardening tips! Continue reading 4 Money-Saving Lawn and Gardening Tips