Annuals or Perennials: What to Plant

Blue and purple hydrangeas in full bloom.Spring is just around the corner; before we know it, all the snow will be melted, and it’ll be time to start tending to the gardens. Take a look around your yard: what are you growing this year? When you head to the nursery, your plant purchasing options come down to two primary categories: annuals or perennials. Today, we’re going to share the things you need to know about each prior to planting.

Continue reading Annuals or Perennials: What to Plant

4 Ways to Build a Sustainable Landscape

A sustainable landscape with native bushes and flowers and green grassIf you’re looking to lead an eco-friendlier lifestyle, your landscape is a good place to start. A sustainable landscape – one that takes advantage of native plants and erosion control – not only lowers your carbon footprint but contributes some stunning aesthetic to your property. Let’s review how you can build a sustainable landscape and contribute to the fight against climate change. Continue reading 4 Ways to Build a Sustainable Landscape

6 Different Types of Soil and Their Properties: Part Two

A close up of clean soil for cultivation with grass in the background.If you read part one of this blog, you’ve learned by now that soil is much more than just dirt. It provides plants with the vital nutrients and environmental conditions they need to thrive. However, not all soil is the same, and the well-being of your particular plants relies on using the right type. Let’s discuss the other three types of soil and what you can do to nurture a better growing environment for your landscape and garden. Continue reading 6 Different Types of Soil and Their Properties: Part Two

What Month Should You Begin Mowing Your Lawn?

Riding lawn mower cutting grass .While we’re still fighting to get through February, spring is less than a month away, which means we’ll soon need to set aside time for our garden tasks. One task, in particular, you may be looking forward to or dreading is mowing your lawn, but in order to ensure your winter landscape recovery goes according to plan, you have to be careful about when you give your lawn its first clip of the year. Let’s discuss the most appropriate time to begin mowing your lawn. Continue reading What Month Should You Begin Mowing Your Lawn?

Tips for Pruning Trees in Winter

A man pruning an apple tree in winter using hand prunerAlthough every tree has its own set of requirements for optimal growth, most benefit from proactive tree care in winter. During their dormancy in the cold-weather months, pruning can be used to ensure trees experience active growth come springtime. Removing dead or unhealthy branches and encroaching limbs can pave the way for more lively greenery or increase your fruit harvest. However, you must go about maintenance in the right way to achieve success. Let’s review some tips for pruning trees in winter. Continue reading Tips for Pruning Trees in Winter

How to Fix Exposed Tree Roots

Exposed tree roots as a result of erosionNot only can exposed tree roots cut into the aesthetic of your landscape, but they can also be a nightmare for lawnmower blades and hardscapes. Since cutting or pruning these roots can injure or kill the tree, it can be frustrating to find a solution that works best for your property. Fortunately, you have a few options at your disposal. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can fix exposed tree roots. Continue reading How to Fix Exposed Tree Roots