9 Things to Do Now to Prepare Your Landscape for Spring

Groundhog After Hibernation - Predicting an Early SpringThe grass is blanketed in snow. The trees are leafless. And the ponds are frozen over. But this year, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow, thereby predicting an early spring! And if this famous groundhog is right, it means now’s the perfect time for New England property owners to engage in thoughtful planning for the upcoming season. Here are nine things you can do now during these final weeks of winter to prepare your landscape for spring.  Continue reading 9 Things to Do Now to Prepare Your Landscape for Spring

4 Ways to Build a Sustainable Landscape

A sustainable landscape with native bushes and flowers and green grassIf you’re looking to lead an eco-friendlier lifestyle, your landscape is a good place to start. A sustainable landscape – one that takes advantage of native plants and erosion control – not only lowers your carbon footprint but contributes some stunning aesthetic to your property. Let’s review how you can build a sustainable landscape and contribute to the fight against climate change. Continue reading 4 Ways to Build a Sustainable Landscape

5 Advantages of Having an Outdoor Kitchen

An outdoor kitchen with a counter top, sink, and grill overlooking pond to accentuate the advantages of having an outdoor kitchenDuring New England summers, it’s typical to see families cooking outdoors, whether it be grilling up some burgers or roasting hotdogs over a fire. But what if you had an incentive to cook all your meals outside? When grilling, you’re limited to the features of the appliance, but with an outdoor kitchen, you can save yourself the constant trips inside to use the faucet or fridge. And that’s just one of the many advantages of having an outdoor kitchen. Continue reading 5 Advantages of Having an Outdoor Kitchen