When Should You Fertilize Your Lawn?

Push fertilizer spreader on green lawn.In a previous blog, we addressed why you should be fertilizing your lawn. However, that brings up another point: when should you be fertilizing your lawn? While the short answer that fertilizer is food and you should feed your lawn when it’s growing the most, knowing exactly when that is and how often aren’t always so clear. For your lawn, this blog is going to help you identify what’s the optimal time to fertilize and how different fertilizers affect when and how often you should fertilize your lawn. Continue reading When Should You Fertilize Your Lawn?

Why You Should Be Fertilizing Your Lawn

Sign on a green lawn - Fertilize your lawnYour lawn is a living thing, and like all living things, it feeds. Your grass consumes nutrients from the soil for growth, coloration, and root strength. However, these nutrients are both finite and water soluble. As your lawn continues to grow throughout the seasons, it will gradually degrade in quality. Colors will fade, brown spots will form from poor root structure, and it will be harder to maintain. This is the key of seasonal lawn fertilization: to reintroduce these nutrients to the soil so your lawn can thrive. Continue reading Why You Should Be Fertilizing Your Lawn